Choosing a VBAC Care Provider

Pro-VBAC Providers

How can you tell if your provider is going to support your desire for a vaginal birth after cesarean? Below is a list of basic guidelines and/or questions to ask when you interview providers.

What a Pro-VBAC Provider does NOT do:

• Pro-VBAC providers do not schedule cesareans without a valid medical reason that is supported by science and evidence example: a previous cesarean, suspected big baby (macrosomia), and post-dates are not necessarily considered valid medical indications for an elective cesarean surgery

•Pro-VBAC providers do NOT induce labor without a valid medical reason
supported by science and evidence

•Pro-VBAC providers do NOT force (or suggest without real cause) unwanted
interventions and procedures on a pregnant or laboring mother (these
include rupturing membranes, internal monitors, electronic fetal monitoring, pain medication, epidurals, pitocin, catheters, IV’s, and other interventions.)

•Pro-VBAC providers do NOT use scare tactics or threats to influence a
mother to make decisions about her care.

•Pro-VBAC providers do NOT practice “defensive medicine.”

•Pro-VBAC providers do NOT question a mother’s emotional or physical need
to have a vaginal birth, and do not make comments to the effect of “all
that matters is a healthy baby” or tell a mother that cesarean is “just the same as VBAC.”

•Pro-VBAC providers do NOT rush the birth process, and do not put time
limits on labor absent any valid medical reason.

•Pro-VBAC providers do NOT make you feel like you are wasting their time, or asking too many questions. It is their job to LISTEN to your questions, concerns, and needs.

What a Pro-VBAC Provider DOES do:

•Pro-VBAC providers DO present all the risks AND benefits of both a VBAC
and repeat elective cesarean without bias or influence toward a repeat
cesarean delivery absent a valid medical reason

•Pro-VBAC providers DO allow a mother to eat, drink, and move freely
during her labor absent a specific medical indication otherwise

•Pro-VBAC providers DO support the emotional and physical well-being of a
mother both during the pregnancy, during the delivery, and in the
post-partum period.

•Pro-VBAC providers DO encourage mothers to have labor support, and to be educated about the birth process.

•Pro-VBAC providers DO support a mother’s choice to utilize natural and
non-invasive pain management techniques (such as water, massage, vocalization, movement, counterpressure, Hypnobabies, Bradley, Lamaze, etc) before the use of chemical methods which carry their own risks.

•Pro-VBAC providers DO allow pregnancy and labor to progress naturally without overactive management, absent any true medical indication otherwise.

Do your research!

•Just because a provider has had patients who have had VBAC’s does NOT necessarily mean they are “VBAC-Friendly or Pro-VBAC.

•Ask their statistics! C-Section rate, VBAC rate, induction rate, rate of those women who have a TOLAC (trial of labor after cesarean) that have successful VBACs.

•Don’t be afraid to print and bring research to back up your requests, or to ask your provider for research/statistics to back up theirs!

•In addition to all of the statistics, questions, and plans… USE YOUR INTUITION! If it feels like your provider is not being honest with you, has a less than stellar attitude about your care, or does not have faith in your ability to birth….

Get the heck out of there.

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