UPDATE:Read the VBAC Blog Carnival here!
In light of the upcoming NIH VBAC Meetings, the ICAN blog would like you to be heard in our first-ever blog carnival.The NIH Meetings, to be held in Bethesda, MD from March 8-10, will gather “invited experts” to present evidence on the safety and availability of VBAC in the United States. After the meetings, an “an unbiased, independent panel” will prepare an consensus statement on the issue.
There are 20 minutes designated on the conference agenda for “mothers’ stories.” Here at the blog, we’d like to offer a little more air time for you to share your voice on this important issue.
VBAC as a Viable Option
The ICAN Mission, Vision and Statement of Beliefs demonstrate our ongoing commitment to supporting and promoting VBAC as a viable and overall safe option for women birthing after cesarean:
- Birth is a normal physiological process. Research shows that with emotional support, education, and an honest opportunity, the vast majority of women can have a healthy vaginal birth.
- Research shows that VBAC is reasonable and safe for both mother and baby. A repeat cesarean should never be considered routine– it is major abdominal surgery with many risks.
- It is unethical and unenforceable for hospitals to institute VBAC bans. Women have the right to refuse any procedure, including a cesarean.
We invite you to write a blog post on your blog and submit it for inclusion in the carnival.* We will post the carnival on March 8th as the NIH Meetings begin. Here are the instructions for participation:
Topic: Why is VBAC a vital option?
Submissions are due March 6th, 2010
Email your text and link to: blog@ican-online.org
Join us! Share your voice. Be heard.
*If you you not have your own blog, you can submit your entry to the blog for consideration as a guest post.